Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mirroring Nature

“We Are Like Nature. Look around you, and you will find connection and insight. Notice how your moods shift from one to another like the sky shifts from bright blue to turbulent grays. Your thoughts are like clouds, appearing, changing shape, passing through, and then disappearing without a trace. The rain cleanses the sky, just as an emotional release cleanses your mind. The sky itself is your eternal awareness, unchanging underneath all these permutations. Let it reflect back to you your own abiding perfection. As you walk through the world, find your own metaphors for connectedness in nature. Flesh them out fully and follow them as they lead you through the mystery and intelligence of life.” –
Photo credit: socceraholic


Erica Herbert said...

very good jules! i like it! my sky's been changing lately~ how about u?

Melita said...

i love daily om!!