Sorry I've been MIA the past few days....had a fun and eventful weekend followed by the sickies - yuck! But I'm back! Yay!
I was thankful to have been able to have a 3-day weekend, starting on Friday. Hubby and I took the bikes down to the beach, laid out in the sun and enjoyed an Ahi Cesar Salad at our favorite place on Main Street. We then Celebrated our friends birthday with a bar-b-que and a lot of laughs!
Saturday we crawled out of bed to join in the 4th of July festivities on Main Street, including riding our bikes along the parade route, hanging with friends, fooz ball, more biking, some margaritas, and unfortunately - several bruises, a banged up toe w/split toenail...because apparently me + margaritas = inability to ride a bike -:(! All is well though, we did have a good time.
Sunday we headed once again to the beach for some more sun - then it was my make-up day of housework and chores - sigh!
I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday!
Photo Credit: Sagebrush7